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Development Application (DA) Approval Management2024-08-16T07:58:56+00:00

Development Application (DA)

Expert Development Approval & Home Design Services in Sydney and NSW

Streamlining the DA process in Sydney and NSW is our specialty at Fyffe Design. With over 40 years of extensive experience, our team is well-equipped to manage everything from initial consultation to final approval, ensuring your project adheres to all regulations and remains on schedule.

Our comprehensive Development Approval (DA) services cover every aspect, from preparing and submitting detailed documentation to liaising with council authorities, ensuring a hassle-free approval process. Additionally, our integrated home design and approval services are crafted to provide a seamless, stress-free experience from start to finish.

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CDC Approval

Understanding Development
Application (DA) Approval

What is a Development Application?

A Development Application (DA), commonly known as a DA, is essential for any building, renovation, property subdivision, or land use project in Sydney and NSW. The process involves submitting comprehensive plans and reports and may include public notification and consultation. Approval is mandatory before any major work begins, ensuring that all proposed developments adhere to local and state planning regulations.

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A complete management service for your Council Approval

We manage the entire process for you, from coordinating to submitting all required information for Council approval, ensuring your development project starts promptly and efficiently without costly delays. Our proficiency in Development Approvals (DA) enables us to smoothly navigate the complex requirements of the NSW Government and local Councils.

01. Full-Service DA Management

Our team manages every detail of your development application in NSW, from assembling documents to engaging with council officers.

02. Personalised Approach

We provide customised solutions that meet your specific project needs, ensuring a smooth and efficient DA process.

03. Specialist Guidance

We offer detailed, easy-to-follow advice on the NSW development application process, helping you understand every necessary step.

04. Regulatory navigation

Our understanding of local planning regulations enables us to effectively navigate the regulatory framework in NSW and help you secure your development approval.

05.  Experienced Team

With years of experience in the industry, our team of professionals is well-equipped to handle complex projects and navigate the intricacies of the DA process.

06. Client Collaboration

We prioritise clear communication and collaboration with clients, ensuring transparency and satisfaction throughout the development application process.

Navigating the Development Application Process in NSW

The Development Application (DA) process in New South Wales (NSW) comprises several essential steps to secure approval for your project. Here’s an outline of what you can expect:

Engage with local council planners early for valuable feedback on your project, aligning it with local expectations and requirements.

Organise all essential documentation, including site plans, architectural drawings, environmental assessments, traffic studies, and community consultation reports. Engaging specialist third-party consultants for detailed preparation is crucial for a streamlined application process.

Ensure all documents are accurate and submit your completed application through the NSW Planning Portal.

The council reviews your application against planning controls, environmental impacts, and community feedback to determine its viability and compliance.

Based on their assessment, the council will approve, request modifications, or reject your application. Your approval will let you proceed with your project, while modifications or rejection will require adjustments and resubmission.

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Ready to Get Started?

For expert assistance with your development application, contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation. Visit our contact page to reach our team and the About Us page to discover our full range of services.

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Development Application (DA) Approval Management

Frequently Asked Questions

How can Fyffe Design ensure my project stays on schedule?2024-08-12T05:33:56+00:00

With over 40 years of experience, Fyffe Design has developed efficient processes and strong relationships with town planners and local councils. Our expertise allows us to anticipate potential issues and address them proactively, ensuring your project stays on track and meets all deadlines.

Why do I need a Development Application?2024-08-12T05:34:30+00:00

A DA is essential to ensure that your proposed development complies with local and state regulations. It helps in maintaining the community’s planning standards and mitigating potential environmental and social impacts. Without a DA, you cannot legally begin major or minor construction or renovation work.

What services does Fyffe Design offer for DA management?2024-08-12T05:34:47+00:00

Fyffe Design provides comprehensive DA management services, including:

  • Pre-application consultation with local council planners.
  • Preparation and submission of all necessary documentation.
  • Liaising with council authorities.
  • Providing specialist guidance on the NSW DA process.
  • Ensuring adherence to all local and state planning regulations.
How does Fyffe Design streamline the DA process?2024-08-12T05:35:04+00:00

We streamline the DA process by managing every detail, from initial consultation to final approval. Our team coordinates all required information, ensures documents are accurate, and submits the completed application on your behalf. This approach minimises delays and ensures a smooth and efficient approval process.

What documents are required for a Development Application?2024-08-15T15:01:31+00:00

When preparing a Development Application (DA), it’s essential to know that the required documents can vary depending on the complexity of the project, local council requirements, and specific site characteristics. The following list includes the most commonly required documents, but additional documentation may be necessary for certain projects. Fyffe Design can assist in determining exactly what is needed for your specific project to ensure a smooth and successful application process.

1. Site Plan: A detailed map showing the property’s layout, including existing and proposed structures, boundaries, and key features.
2. Architectural Drawings: Includes detailed floor plans, elevations, cross-sections, and roof plans.
3. Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE): A report assessing the environmental impact of the proposed development and outlining mitigation strategies.
4. Survey Plan: A detailed plan by a registered surveyor showing land dimensions, levels, and any existing structures.
5. Compliance Certificates: Certificates demonstrating that the development meets all relevant regulations (e.g., fire safety, accessibility).
6. BASIX Certificate: Required for most residential developments to ensure energy and water efficiency.
7. Heritage Impact Statement (if applicable): Required if the site or nearby areas have heritage significance.
8. Traffic and Parking Assessment: A report assessing how the development will affect local traffic and parking availability.
9. Landscape Plan: Outlines the proposed landscaping, including plant types, placement, and hardscape elements.
10. Consultant Reports: Various reports from third-party experts, potentially including:

  • Structural Engineering Report: Ensures the structural integrity of the proposed development.
  • Hydraulic Design Report: Addresses drainage, stormwater management, and water supply.
  • Acoustic Report: Evaluates potential noise impacts and mitigation measures.
  • Bushfire Assessment: Required for properties in bushfire-prone areas.
  • Flood Risk Assessment: Necessary if the site is in a flood-prone area.
  • Geotechnical Report: Assesses soil stability and suitability for construction.
  • Contamination Report: Evaluate whether the site is contaminated and the implications for development.
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How long does the DA approval process take?2024-08-12T05:41:39+00:00

The duration of the DA approval process varies based on the complexity of the project and the specific requirements of the local council. On average, it can take several weeks to a few months. Fyffe Design works diligently to expedite the process and keep your project on schedule. As a general rule, fewer non-compliances will result in a faster approval process.

What happens if my DA is rejected or requires modifications?2024-08-12T05:41:47+00:00

If your DA is rejected or requires modifications, Fyffe Design will assist you in addressing the council’s feedback. We will make the necessary adjustments and resubmit the application, ensuring that it meets all regulatory requirements for approval. Our goal is to help you successfully navigate the process and achieve your project goals.

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